Me and my Family Tree

You might know me as Angel, the star of his humble little blog. But have your ever wondered about my family and friends? Well, Here there are:

Mom, Age: Uhhhh...
She's the mom in the middle. Modern, but retains a few traditional habits.

Sister Sally, Age:14
Loves to eat, eat, eat, eat etc...She once gobbled town eight whole cakes for a bet! But her metabolism is rate is whoah...No wonder she isn't obese

Dad, Age: Uhhhh...
Quiet, gentleman-like and Scholarly, NOT the usual dad who lounges in front of TVs to watch football games

Brother John, Age: 17
Routine: Sleep, sleep, eat, videogames, sleep, eat,eat, videogames, eat, sleep. The usual teenage boy who is looking to Alexander for tips on how to pick up girls.

My Friends:

The Mayor of Pet Society, I guess. Since he lives not very far away, I visit him everyday. Always the socialite.

My good friend since childhood. An amazing fact: He juggles around THREE girlfriends. Is quite nice and gentleman-like actually, but immediately treats me like a servant or nonexistant whenever anyone of his girlfriends are around. Enjoys the high life and is quite the cassanova, even with three girlfriends.

She's one of Alexander's girlfriends. She is training to be a psychologist, so she's a pretty good person to speak about your troubles. Is a rather good friend and loves shopping and bargains, but finds managing budgets hard.

Anastasia, Stage name's 'Topaz'
A model. Is also one of Alexander's Girlfriends. Can be a bit of a snob, especially if Alexander's other girlfriends and me are around. Is very stylish. However, she can prove to be a friend if you know her. An exception since I meet her more recently then the rest.
Really sweet, but is a bit of a sissy. He has a good sense of fashion, like Alexander. Is Grace's and Victoria's brother. Even with the sissy and fashion stuff, he doesn't cross-dress like Laurie (though Aimee, Lucy and Victoria have all tries to get him to do so on many seperate occassions)

Dawn's younger sister. Is a very good friend, still retains her childlike nature of playing with dolls. Is very innocent and likes to play with Lucy, the youngest.

Gentle, meek, shy and loves nature and petlings. She loves to garden and look after my petlings. She had a little petling cat called Geraldine, and loves her dearly. She also has a motherly nature, looking after Victoria. Suprisingly, she gets along well with the dramatic, flamboyant and a bit snobbish Topaz, sharing in common a sense of fashion.
My cousin. A regular pessimist who is obsessed with predicting the future, feng shui and soduko. She is a strict vegetarian and has a notoriously bad sense of fashion, she also doesn't like 'trivial' things like shopping, parties or even combing her hair.

She absolutely ADORES bargains, trading and finance. She budgets very well, and therefore often lectures the more careless spender Ella. She's a good friend, though a saver, she can be very generous sometimes. She also loves recycling her old items to exchange for new ones.
He is the image of the rebelious bad-boy player personified. Always hangs out at parties, is a biker and loves rock music. Though a player, he still looses out to the cassanova Alexander. Still, they both like to go to the mall on Sundays together and point out hot girls, seeing if the other could successfully get their number.  

Alexander's sweet little sister. Though the youngest , she likes to think that she is a 'grown-up' lady, using many ladylike tones and manners. She is still rather childish though, playing with dolls and crying when something goes wrong.

The third girlfriend of Alexander. She's always very excited and optimistic, and adores the colour pink and birthday parties. Gets along swimmingly with everyone and plays often with the younger girls. She also encourages Grace to speak up for herself. She is Best friends with Sally, since they both share a passion for sweets, games and parties.
She's very tomboyish, loves to play soccer and hates wearing dresses. She often critisizes me for wearing dresses and all the other 'fru-fru' garments. Once during a slumber party, the other girls gave her a makeover (led by Topaz and Lucy), she turned out to be quite pretty.

An aspiring author and artist. Alexander's middle sister. She has a mix-and-match style of fashion like me and the results usually turn out to be suprisingly good. She loves daydreaming and fantasizes about many things. Gets along well with everyone and plays with Lucy and Victoria.  

She is usually the innocent one of us. She's my cousin actually, and doesn't usually hang out with us, preferring to be with another set of friends.

He is a cultured young aspiring gentlemen who loves history. Gets along with everyone mostly, but is rather shy. He was the grandson of a famous aviator who died during the Pet War II. Many times, he is seen curled up with a bookm researching.


He's a MALE. It's just that he is very sissy and his hobbies included cross-dressing, and fashion. He's very meek, adding to his sissy appeal. Liking classical music and hating rock music doesn't help too. But I'd like to clear the fact that he is perfectly straight, even though he looks like a girl and the fact that he...LOOKS ADORABLE IN A DRESS XD. His girlish name doesn't help too. I've  known him since I was a kid. Is friends with everybody, but closer to Stephen and William, and hangs out more with girls though.