Tuesday 1 November 2011


Hi~! My name is Angel and I’m a pet from the popular facebook game Pet Society! As of today, I’m starting this blog to chart my progress through Pet Society. I started a little late so…

Name: Angel

Level: 35

Species: Uhhh…I think my owner () said I’m a dog…

Favourite food: Purple Rose cake, Pink Ice cream Mooncake, Whole pizza, Rare Steak, Bone etc.

Hobbies: Touring Pet Society, Visiting Friends, Reading, Redesigning my house, Trying on new fashions etc.

Relationship: Single~~~♥ No, really I’m not lying. Welll….as of now.

Friends: I’m not a socialite, but I’ve got about a hundred. I’m embarrassed to say I don’t know most of them well.

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