Tuesday 1 November 2011

Halloween costume Bundles

What do you think of the Halloween mystery costumes? I personally prefer the insane Alice costumes. Though the silent nurse costume is a bit scary, so I refused to wear it...

Bloody Prom Queen Costume
It's a bit too...bloody for me T_T But I don't think that it's really creative.
Cannibal Doctor Costume
Well, it's somewhat ok...But it makes me look old
Cereal Killer Costume
Is it bad that I love the pun? It's CUTE!
Dream Stalker outfit
I don't like the mask, It's creepy and...old. But the outfit is great!
Folding Metal Man costume
I'll bet its great for the transformers fan (Though I'm not really into it), looks ccool and accurate,  except for the paw on the head
Golden Poo Costume
Hotdog Costume
CUTE, I just wanna eat it XD Anyway, it was the first costume that I got

Meep! I don't like the fact that she covered her face with blood stained bandages. And I hate to think what her face looks like...Though it is a perfectly scary costume for Halloween...
Insane Alice Costume
This is my favourite to wear. It's bloody, but epic. Somehow I like Wonderland themes :)

Anyway, I'm thankful to Playfish Pet Society for making these bundles coins, and the pictures too!

I love the competition winner's outfits too! I especially love the Pareidolla bundle. It's cute AND scary. But I love the bow and bunny plushie the most of that bundle.

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